Learning Plan for Teaching Artists
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in offering high-quality instruction grounded in both an educational and artistic practices?
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in creating a healthy classroom culture that supports teaching and learning?
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in customizing quality instruction for students, communities, and schools?
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in designing a quality curriculum grounded in clear learning objectives?
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in creating student assessments that are aligned with learning objectives and responsive to student's needs?
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in composing an arts education environment that supports quality instruction?
What is my level of knowledge or comfort in inviting critical feedback to inform my future practice?
What is my level of knowledge or comfort in applying what I've learned and building sustainability within my "home" organization, the school, and the community?

My Learning Plan
Name |
Organization |
Date |
Supervisor Name |
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